
Sanpo's new animation "A Girl from Nowhere" from "urban folklore 99" series

Sanpo's pilot animation film from new short short animation series.

"A Girl from Nowhere" from "urban folklore 99" series 

Animation/Music by Sanpo Matsumoto

Animation from Sanpo Matsumoto's "urban folklore 99" animation project.
It's a part of short short animation series project "ANIMATION HAIKU".

Bases of spiritual concept of "Tsukumo-gami" .
It is a concept come from Japanese folklore.
The term is generally understood to be applied to virtually any object,"that has reached their 100th birthday and thus become alive and self-aware".
In Japan,we can watch many old paintings from this theme.
Old pot,umbllera or many kind of antiques become alive and walk around mid night.
They are also called YO-KAI.

In "Tsukumogami" series,Sanpo create stories inspired from forgotten objects in present society.
Sanpo Matsumoto


"Kill or Be Killed" art Con Artist Collective,NYC

My new art work will be showing at "Kill or Be Killed" show at Con Artist Collective,NYC from November 30.
This group show's  theme is weapons.
This theme is sounds unhappy to me,but,
But,also,it is thought-provoking theme.
I made the painting with Japanese ink and paper for this show.

Please drop by anytime!

--Exhibition info--
Dates: November 30 to December 5
Wednesday 7 to 11 /// Opening Party 11.30.2016
Monday 7 to 11 /// Closing Party 12.5.2016

Con Artist Collective & Gallery
119 Ludlow St. New York, New York 10002
Open Monday through Saturday 11am to 7pm
