

Sanpo's new animation at ConiCon 2.0 show

CONICON 2.0, a CONtinuation of the Con Artist Collective's CONnection to the CONspicuous CONsumption of all that CONsists of the culture of comics.
With your CONsent, we CONtrive to CONvince you of the complex CONcepts of this facet of CONtemporary society through CONversation and participation.
Toss CONformity aside and get in touch with your inner geek, nerd or cosplayer with iCONic art that has an X factor, radioactive presence and the mystical powers of the imagination.
CONfectious, unCONventional and sometimes CONtroversial, CONICON 2.0, 'Nuff Said!

10/01/14 //// 7pm-11pm //// Opening Party
10/08/14 //// 7pm-11pm //// Closing Party

119 Ludlow street between Rivington and Delancey. We are very close to the F, J, M, Z train station at Delancey Essex
